Darren Worsfold
I am a graduate Sports Therapist. I am the owner and company director of DKW Sports Therapy Limited which is located at Abshot Country Club. I have run my business for over 10 years.
I also have past experience working as part of a team of therapists in various physiotherapy clinics. At my busy sports injury clinic I treat a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries, and enjoy working with clients of all ages and abilities.
I have been privileged to work with, members of Team GB, World and European tumbling gymnastics champions, common wealth athletes, Olympians, para-Olympians and a Crufts Agility dog Champion.
My past hobbies included tumbling gymnastics. I have competed for Great Britain on several occasions and am a high performance tumbling coach, so I understand and have experienced first-hand the physical demands that are placed on our own bodies. My current hobbies include dog walking and training my dogs and occasionally attend local dog agility competitions.
I am also a Clinical Canine Massage therapist treating dogs with muscular injuries. I currently teach two different one day workshops in the local area. The beginners guide to Canine Massage one day workshop & Canine Massage for the Agility & Sporting Dog one day workshop.
I enjoy attending regular Continued Professional Development (CPD) courses to extend my knowledge and to keep up with the latest research.